Over 4000 new Covid 19 cases and 40 deaths reported in Indiana! What’s going on?

Nearly almost 9,000 people have died from Covid 19 in Indiana according to the Indiana Dept. of Health. The vaccine is here, but is the pandemic getting better or worse? The state has reported 578, 494 cases. Aside from healthcare workers, the vaccine is being distributed in the most highly effected areas that are “orange” or “red.” There are still many restrictions in place, but churches are the only venues in Indiana with NO restrictions! Check full story here… https://www.wave3.com/2020/04/06/covid-deaths-reported-indiana-new-cases/There have been recent reports of 2 new Covid strains found in Indiana. How effective do you think these vaccines are, and do you think it will be a long time before we are not restricted in public again? Give us your thoughts…

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