Louisville Budget Cuts Approved
It would also surrender Youth Detention Services to the state, which allows the metro to save more than $1.2 million.
“We are the only county in the state and the state has facilities,” Kramer said. “Our hope would be that they would take a look at Jefferson County – it’s the largest county in the state – and we hope they would offer those services here.”
Budget amendments surrender Youth Detention Services to the state, which allowed them to save more than $1.2 million. (Source: WAVE 3 News)
Metro Louisville would fund Youth Detention Services through December 31, 2019, while an agreement is established for the state to take over operations.
While the budget does not reopen any pools for this summer, it does put $600,000 towards reopening Algonquin and Sun Valley Pools in summer 2020 and capital funds to repair the pools. The capital budget provides $800,000 for “conversion” for the pools at Norton Camp Taylor and Fairdale.
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