JCPS laid out an updated plan Tuesday to re-open schools, which includes giving parents the choice to return to in-person instruction or continue with virtual learning. However, it’s still unclear when exactly JCPS schools will open.
Jefferson County is now a Kentucky “red” zone with high COVID-19 numbers, so JCPS Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio said there’s still no date for when in-person instruction will resume.
The updated back to school plan includes requiring everyone to wear a mask, checking temperatures checks daily, and practicing social distancing. Pollio also said when the district re-opens, they plan to do so gradually, starting the first week with elementary and pre-K schools, then in week two, sixth and ninth grades, and in week three, seventh and eighth and 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.
There would also be a hybrid model for middle and high schools, where students would attend in person two days a week, to allow for social distancing.